Doom 2 Metal Music Mod

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Doom 2 metal music mod 1

Metal music by elguitarTom, xelteckon, XGamingPhunX - OCRemix Team (Either or) From YouTube. Metal music also by Andrey Avkhimovich From ITunes.


  • At Doom's Gate, a simple, effective, and powerful fast-tempo track, great for starting off your day at UAC with filling a zombie's face with pistol lead.
  • Sinister fully lives up to its title - quite possibly the most oppressive track in the game, this is not the music you want to hear when prowling the dark, gloomy labyrinth of this level, being caught out of nowhere by a Baron of Hell suddenly jumping out in front of you.
  • Episode 2, Mission 9 (or E-3, M-1 if you never found Episode 2's secret level) literally called 'Untitled.' Yeah, it's a ripoff of a Pantera song, but it doesn't matter. That riff. Kicks. ASS!

Doom (2016)

id Software got MickGordon to do the soundtrack, and it is awesome indeed.
  • Hellwalker, the glorious menu theme that is based on a few tracks from the originals.
  • Damnation, mixing Industrial and Metal with some demonic choir for the perfect soundtrack to the Hell levels.
  • The Beginning, played upon acquiring the Praetor Suit and getting into your first big fight. Welcome back, Doom Marine.
  • At Doom's Gate, the music for E1M1, first stage of the original Doom game remixed and done justice. It's made even more badass when the Doomguy's Dramatic Gun Cock synchronises with the last two chords of the song at the beginning of the level 'The UAC'.
  • Rip & Tear and BFG Division are standout combat pieces, with the former having some of the most aggressive Metal you're likely to hear in a video game. The former sounds like Slipknot, whereas the latter has clear Meshuggah influences, both also having some Fear Factory on the side.
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  • Mastermind, while not including heavy guitars, is an hellishly intense piece of Industrial/Glitch that even incorporates an even much darker version of BFG Division, fitting for the Final Boss.
  • Hell Guard boss battle theme is just as intense as the fight itself, while being a remix of the music used in the QuakeCon 2014 and E3 2015 demos.
  • Authorization; Olivia Pierce, the remix of E1M5's 'Suspense' which is played when you see the Big Bad for the first time. It's downright chilling.
  • SkullHacker provides eardrum-shattering Djent riffs throughout major fights.
  • Cyberdemon boss fight theme nails it as another piece of Industrial, sounding very imposing and outright primal at the same time. When passed through a Spectrogram, the beginning sequence of the song is revealed to contain several Pentagrams and 666'es which tell you enough about all the attention paid to detail.
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  • Flesh & Metal. Just..yes. It features quite possibly the heaviest and intense metal beat, using Doom 3's menu theme in a glorious way. It's a masterpiece.
  • The official soundtrack was released. If anything, the mixes on the soundtrack are even more awesome than the in-game ones, and are broken down by chapters of the Slayer's Testament for extra atmosphere.
  • It may be a Filk Song, but we'd be remiss to not mention Hell To Pay by Miracle of Sound. This song is pure molten-metal awesomeness and serves as a fantastic reminder of just why this game is great; 'cause it revels in the hyper-violence and Rated M for Manly set pieces.
    Keep rushing and a running, running
    The drumming of the buckshot pumping
    Got molten metal in my veins
    (click click boom boom)
    Keep rushing and a running, running
    A recknoning of lead is coming
    I'm kicking in the gates of hell again.
  • Similar to 'Hell to Pay', we have JT Music's rap, 'Fight Like Hell'. A dramatic, cinematic underscoring begins it, and it only gets better from there, with an epic chorus and rap verses that could compare to Eminem in ability.
    They told me to go to hell! So you know what? I did!
  • They later brought Doomguy back for a rap battle, having found him a Worthy Opponent. The song makes it pretty clear who's the winner: Doomguy.
    Doomguy: I gotta hand it to you, Chief, you'll be my greatest GLORY KILL!
  • The Game Awards 2016 featured a live performance of the game's soundtrack by Mick Gordon, Sonic Mayhem, and Matt Halpern. It is every bit as awesome as you could imagine it. As an extra bonus, they also briefly perform 'Descent into Cerberon' from Quake II.
  • And this is all made even more badass, when you realize that Mick Gordon was doing Doom covers back in 2005 for the fun of it. That's pretty much the definition of living the dream.

Other games in the series

  • The Doom 3heavy theme. Reason being that besides the startup, you'll only ever hear it again when you're victorious, and almost invariably at the end of any Doom 3 mod episode too. It's sort of like an awesome music of crowning.
  • From TNT: Evilution, we have Sadistic and Death's Bells. The music from MAP14 (Steel Works) may not be the best song ever (mainly because it's a short, cool sounding riff surrounded by several minutes of dull bass), but its remix by TheWeekle manages to make it epic.
  • Doom 64 may not have much in the way of rocking tunes (only the opening and ending themes could be considered traditional music), but what it does have is an incredibly creepy and atmospheric ambiance that really helps set it as the most Survival Horror-y game in the series until Doom 3 came along (especially when you reach Hell). Here's one of the creepier stage themes if you need an example.
  • The pinball adaptation of the DOOM reboot doesn't just play like the game, it also sounds and speaks like it too, drawing upon Mick Gordon's well-scored soundtrack at appropriate moments. Several examples:
    • Enjoy hearing the high-energy 'At Doom's Gate' when you're in a lockdown during a mission where demonic presence hits unsafe levels, and you have to fight your way out to keep going.
    • When you've started the 'Hell on Mars' side mode, the table glows red with terror - and the heavy-metal rage of a sample of 'Rust, Dust and Guts' befits the peril that awaits as demons assault you.
    • The rocking energy of 'Harbinger' keeps the mood tense in the 'Observe, Repeat' mission as you try to remember several hologram trails that flash on the table and try to get the ball through them to escape the facility.
    • Escaping 'The Pit'? Let the passive, but rising, frightening tune of 'Incantation' guide you as you ascend it level by level.
    • Who knew that the screaming, loud and fast-paced 'BFG Division' could work as a victory celebration for defeating the Cyberdemon?
Doom 2 Metal Music Mod

Ports and remixes

  • Hangarmageddon is an awesome version of 'At Doom's Gate'. And whilst we're on the subject, the Playstation version intro, whilst the title rises slowly from a sea of flames, can send shivers up your spine.
  • ZX Spectrum home port makes you wish you had that music on original version.
  • 'Nobody Told Me About Id' is so good, it was used for the super secret level of The Plutonia Experiment and gets a new remix for every community-made sequel for it. So far we have Nobody Told Me About Plutonia for Plutonia 2 and I Already Know About Id for Plutonia Revisited. The latter is actually a remake of the SNES version of 'Nobody Told Me About Id', though this doesn't detract from the awesomeness.
  • Doom Metal. No, not Doom Metal, this is a bunch of remixed tracks, and they are awesome.
  • The music from the 3DO port of Doom deserves a mention. While the 3DO port itself is universally considered one of the worst Doom ports out there due to framerate and other issues, it's also universally agreed that it has the best music of any port, even putting the music of the original PC port to shame. A couple good examples are the 3DO renditions of At Doom's Gate and The Imp's Song.
  • While completely different from the original score, the PlayStation version's soundtrack (composed by Aubrey Hodges, who also scored Doom 64) is worthy of praise in its own right. Jettisoning the predominant heavy metal vibe of the original, the new score is more ambient and ominous, focuses entirely on building up immersion and suspense, and makes Doom feel even more like a horror game. And itworks. In addition to the menu theme above, check out Hangar, Plant and Toxin Refinery for a good sampler.
  • Andrew Hulshult, the man behind the awesome remixed soundtrack of the Rise of the Triad Reboot, decided to tackle the original Doom's soundtrack in his spare time. Behold: IDKFA.
  • YouTube user My New Soundtrack managed to remix 'Nobody Told Me About Id', 'At Doom's Gate', 'Hiding the Secrets', and 'I Sawed the Demons' in the style of Mega Man X, and with how awesome the music that franchise is, it is as glorious as it sounds.


  • The mod Back to Saturn X has plenty of original, great tunes. To wit:
    • Entering. The very first map, and it's got a very touching and sentimental track.
    • Liquid Luck, which alternates between a mellow, moody tune and heavy rocking.
    • 24. It may not be fast-pumping heavy metal, but it manages to sound mysterious, beautiful and a little tense.
    • The haunting and mysterious Mystproj.
    • Scattered Ashes. Someone described it as sounding like a badass cowboy theme, and it's an apt description.
    • The highly intense Ominus.
    • Birdsong starts off as an atmospheric song with an uneasy mood.. then about the 1-minute mark it becomes a tense, gloriously oppressive tune.
  • Requiem also has plenty of underrated gems:
    • Rage.
    • The mysterious, haunting Under Death.
    • Lordly Might plays on the tenth map to amp you up, which is helpful because before the end of the level you will have your first showdown with a Cyberdemon.
    • Mesmarine plays at the intermission screen, on the first secret level and on the thirteenth map. And the thirteenth map has plenty of monster ambush spots, which fits - even more so if you're playing at the highest difficulty.
  • Icarus: Alien Vanguard is one of the megawads that excels in soundtracks.
    • Recapture really sets up the mood for the first stage, and retaking back a shuttle so you can use it to travel towards the eponymous space ship. And at the end you can hear The Demon's Dead from Doom II.
    • Map 04: Engineering gives off a perfect sci-fi feel and the feeling of unfamiliarity, since you're millions away from your home planet.
    • Map 10: Slow Evil. Slow as the title says, but still great enough for firing through hordes of demons.
    • Map 11: Feeding Frenzy. This map has lots of enemies, and the tendency to encounter hiding chaingunners and other monsters around the corner makes this map frantic as hell (pun intended). But thanks to this song, you can turn that frantic feeling into a helpful rage.
    • Map 32: Prestidigitation. A nice short relaxing jazz track for a short easy stage (the stage has more goodies than enemies, and the enemies and their placements aren't that hard).
    • Map 12, Hydroponics. The demons really ruined Icarus. The song tells you that you should make them pay for that! You can hear some parts that will make you think of space. Yeah, Doomguy has been into space but not that far away. You're actually near Beta Pictoris.
    • Map 25, Another Fine Mess. Ever wondered what would Thriller sounds like if it was remixed modernly and with beeps properly? This is the result.
  • Valiant: The song 'Dark Angel', which begins slow but quickly turns into a frantic tune while you dare the challenge of MAP 09's '14 Angrier Archviles'.
  • Jenesis: 'Sunset Over Babylon', a mysterious-sounding, exotic, grim tune.
  • STRAIN: 'TechnoDoom', a fast-paced dynamic song. Composed by the same guy who composed the music on Requiem. And 'Promenade', which has a bit from 'Running from Evil' from the original Doom II, and it gets pleasingly melodic in the middle.
  • Memento Mori II: 'Give In (With Pressure)', a great relaxing upbeat tune. The same description goes with 'Nothing So Cruel', and 'Backroad Wanderer'.
  • Ancient Aliens:
    • The mellow jazz of 'Web of Steel'.
    • The sinister 'Basement'.
    • The mystical-sounding 'Imaginarium'.
  • Resurgence actually has its own overarching Leitmotif: it starts in the main menu, grows more intense on the story text screens, and culminates in the last level with a track aptly titled 'The Resurgence'.
  • 'Quickfast' from Sunlust, a song fit for an epic voyage with an uncertain end.
  • Almost the entirety of Quake Champions: Doom Edition counts, courtesy of Michael Markie. Here are the standouts:
    • How do you introduce Durandal to the audience? By doing an even more rocking version of Marathon 2's main theme.
    • Then there's 'Slipgate' the even more hard rocking cover of Quake I's main theme.
    • The Quake II representation is well covered thanks to the covers of the already awesome 'Quad Machine' and 'Descent Into Cerberon'
    • Lo Wang's reveal trailer used the swell mix between oriental music and rock that is 'Main Theme Remake' by Konstantin 'Kerranswell' Tsikolenko.

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