How To Paint Cosmetics In Sfm

The only one required for GMod and SFM is the maximum number of weight groups a vertex is allowed to be in, which is 3 (in other words every point can be influenced by 3 bones at most). This can be assured by entering Weight Paint mode and select Limit Total on the left menu.

  1. How To Paint Items Sfm
  2. How To Paint Cosmetics In Sfm Minecraft
  3. How To Paint Cosmetics In Sfm 3
Posted by
Team Fortress 2
1 year ago

Reposting because it’s been 2 & 1/2 weeks with no responses on my other post..


I’ve tried using several different methods, and yes I have tried going backwards in the timeline. I have tried several cosmetics with different body groups/skins, I’ve tried w-models and c-models, bone merged with models and without. The colors don’t change from default no matter what I do. Any suggestions?

All song lyrics listed in the site are for promotional purposes only.We do not provide songs / mp3 download as it is illegal to do so. Maa telugu talliki lyrics in english.

EDIT: thanks to the help in this thread and a lot more research I now have 2 ways of coloring. Thanks guys, thread closed.

Do you want to learn how to port models but don't know how? Either because 3D modelling is daunting, you don't know how GMod or SFM works, or you don't know where to get the models in the first place? I hope this tutorial will help guide you through the process.
Texture details are explained in part 2, over here: SFM/GMod Porting Tutorial Part 2 (Textures)This honestly took too long to come out. The previous part is
Extracting textures is easy. Using them correctly is another task, though. I hope to provide as much information on the texture parameters for SFM/GMod as I can along with information on the textures themselves.
I use Noesis to convert the DDS files to TGA or PNG, and use VTFEdit to convert those to VTF. The BFRES importer from last tutorial already extracts the DDS from the model, however if you want to do this outside of the importer you need a tool to extract BFRES embedded files and another tool to extract texture files from the resultant BNTX file. Here's a good source for both. More tex

Please let me know if there are details in the porting tutorial that require more explanation. I'd love to make this as clear as I can for everybody and it's hard to do without remembering how it felt when this was all new (also admittedly pretty late as I write all this so I'm bound to have messed something up).
A major difficulty with porting is finding the required tools for importing, extracting, and converting, not to mention with free programs. Every tool required are included with links directing you to their source.
Blender (Steam version) is what we'll use. This is not a Blender tutorial though Blender tricks will be shared to help kick-start your modelling knowledge.
We're porting for SFM/Gmod so we'll use the Blender Source Tools. Its installation instructions are found on the website.
We're importing BFRES files so here's the Blender script to use. If you plan to port maps, you probably want to have the KCL importer as well for the collision model. The installation is similar to the Blender Source Tools so refer to its instructions as well.
Crowbar will be used as the model compiler (raw-asset to game-usable converter). There are other options for compilation but this one is the simplest, and can also act as a decompiler if necessary.
How can you port without models? Here's several Splatoon 2 model files for porting practice:
  • Clothing (Part 1, Part 2)

The models will be removed upon request if it is deemed illegal. Refer to Romshepherd's website if you're interested in learning more about ROMs (an account is needed to view links) or obtaining more stuff like maps (I plan to upload them to Models-Resource).
Note that you need a SZS extractor (Nintendo.exe) to retrieve the BFRES model from the model files. Just drag the SZS file onto the executable and the work will be done for you. Adding this executable to the Nintendo.exe parameter will allow you to import SZS files directly.
Menu > Import BFRES. Find the file in the file search. Textures and bones can be imported, and animation support will be added soon. If you have Noesis, you can set its path in the parameter window within the User Preferences to unlock the DDS to TGA option. More information will be given in part 2 of the tutorial.
To view the textures on the models, it's recommended you use the DDS to TGA option as Blender has difficulty loading the DDS files. Textures will only appear in the Cycles Render option.
More often than not model manipulation is required for the model to work in a new format. The only one required for GMod and SFM is the maximum number of weight groups a vertex is allowed to be in, which is 3 (in other words every point can be influenced by 3 bones at most). This can be assured by entering Weight Paint mode and select Limit Total on the left menu.

This menu is on the left, in Weight Paint mode. Press T if it doesn't appear

You can leave this step until the very end, but make sure to remember to do it. If you receive a 'Too many bone influences per vertex!' error during compilation, it means you forgot this step.
If you want to create models to merge onto the existing Inklings and Octolings, you need to import their bones, which can be done by decompiling the models using Crowbar.

New Materials

There can only be one recolorable part per material, or perhaps you want to make a certain part of a model transparent (such as a logo) without affecting the whole texture. Or maybe you want certain parts to have certain effects such as extra reflection. Whatever the reason, adding a material is actually easy.
Click on the plus button to add more materials or minus to remove the material. Assign sets the selected faces to the selected material, Select selects all faces that are assigned to the material, and Deselect deselects all faces that are assigned to the material.

Split Model

Want to make a wristband or a part of a map its own object? After selecting the parts you want to split in Edit Mode, hit P and select the first menu's option (separate by selection). Pressing L while hovering over a vertex will select connecting vertices, helping you select parts of the full object, but it's up to you to practice with selecting areas.
On the contrary, hitting Ctrl+J joins the selected objects.


Flexes are called 'Shape Keys', and they are found in the Data tab.
This menu is on the right.

Add shape keys using the plus button and remove them using the minus button. The Basis shape key will be the first key added and is simply the default state. A flex can only be edited when its slider is at 1, in case you're experiencing odd issues unable to edit the model. Pressing the tack sets the selected shape key to 1 automatically, allowing you to sort through them and quickly edit as necessary.
Flexes can be whatever you want. The bust adjust slider is created by adding bumps to clothing using Sculpt Mode, for example.
Make sure the flex sliders are all set to 0 before compiling.


All you need is the center of the individual eyeballs, either the actual center of a sphere or the center of the sphere section, and the center point of the eyes as a compilation parameter later. I'm not too sure of easy ways to calculate this, but some models have eye bones and those positions should suffice.
More information are found on the wiki.

How To Paint Items Sfm

Physics collision

It's actually relatively easy: Just split the model and set the weight of each section to their corresponding bone to 1. Model pieces should not overlap to prevent collision glitches, and make sure each object's origin are the same by hitting Ctrl+A and applying location.
If you want to view collisions in GMod, type 'vcollide_wireframe 1' in the console.
More often than not you need to group the model(s) with its skeleton. This allows you to work on multiple parts at once (such as for creating body groups) and choose the exported DMX's name. This is relatively simple to do: just select the models to group and hit New Group. Name the group as you please.
Now comes the exporting! The export function is unusually not placed in the export main menu, but rather as a property of the scene.

The Export Path can be wherever you want, and the default values should suffice for both SFM and GMod. I recommend the DMX format over the SMD format due to its more convenient and up-to-date features. When hitting Export, select the group you have created.
Tired? This is the final step, so keep it up! To be able to use the model in-game, it must be compiled into a game-specific format. The compiler requires instructions on how to create a model; these instructions are stored in a QC file. A QC file is really just a text file with a different extension, so create a text file and rename its extension. Every line is a command (empty lines are allowed for organization). Here's a list of important commands:
$modelname path
The path to the exported model, relative to the models folder of the addon, including the mdl extension.
$body bodynamepath
The path to the DMX file. There can be multiple of them, or none if they are all body groups (see below). Bodyname can be whatever you like.
$cdmaterials path
The path to the materials, relative to the materials folder of the addon. There can be multiple of them in case of shared resources. The path tends to be 'models' followed by the model path (without the mdl extension) by convention.
$sequence namefile
An animation for the model. This is necessary even if there's no animation. I personally use '$sequence idle DMX file'.
$texturegroup skin{
{ texture name 2 }
A list of VMTs for the model's alternate skins ('skin' is actually the name of the texture group but goes unused). The first texture name must be the name of the material within Blender.
$bodygroup name {
studio dmx path 2
A list of DMX files for each model of the body group, or 'blank' for no models. The DMX names do not appear in GMod but they do in SFM.
$scale number
In the offset that the model's scaling should change, there's no need to re-import the DMX into Blender just to scale it up; it's simpler to change it here. Make sure this command comes before other commands or else they will not be scaled.
Inkling and gear scale is 4. NPC scale is 3. Scaling can vary from model to model so it's recommended to set the scale here instead of scaling inside Blender.
$model name dmx file {
eyeball name bone X Y Z texture diameter angle unused scale
extra options..
Use this instead of $body if you're doing NPCs with controllable eyes. XYZ is the sphere center coordinate for the eyeball (note that using $scale will not fix the XYZ coordinates!). You should read up the $model commands for more options.
$attachment name bone X Y Z
Special position relative to a particular bone, though this is mainly for the eyes. The name is 'eyes' and they are normally attached to the head bone. Note that XYZ typed here should actually be X -Z Y of the eye center you calculated earlier.
$modelname 'testfolderbox.mdl'
$body body 'inputmodel.dmx'
$sequence idle 'inputmodel.dmx'
$cdmaterials 'modelstestfolderbox'
$cdmaterials 'modelstestshared'
$texturegroup skin {
{ 'oak' }
{ 'dark_oak' }
$bodygroup Sticker {
studio 'Sticker.dmx'

Open up Crowbarand find the QC file. Select the game from the drop-down list and hit compile (the UI can be found here). It's that simple.
Note that the models won't have textures! Check out part 2 of the tutorial (link at the top of this page).


Ctrl + Tab
Switch to Weight Paint Mode

How To Paint Cosmetics In Sfm Minecraft

Split objects
Select vertex island
Ctrl + +/-
Selection step forward/backward

Simple functions

How To Paint Cosmetics In Sfm 3

Remove duplicates
Recalculate normals (Ctrl + N in edit mode)
How To Paint Cosmetics In SfmSubdivide

Complex functions

Trigs to Quads (Ctrl + F in edit mode)