Lenovo Yoga Screen Brightness Not Working

Hybrid Laptop/Tablet, released October 18, 2013. 4th generation Intel processors, 13.3 ' QHD+ display, and preloaded with various standard Lenovo apps. The Yoga 2 Pro might be trying to save power at the cost of wifi connectivity- this often happens when running on battery power.

I have a Lenovo IdeaPad Yoga. It's been working flawlessly with Windows 8 - 9 hour battery life, awesome touchscreen, 4-second boot times.

So obviously I wanted to try Ubuntu 12.10. Well, I downloaded it and installed it - but I couldn't change the brightness!

These hotkeys work in Windows but not in Ubuntu - and none of the solutions others have proposed in other similar questions with Lenovo laptops have worked.

How can I make my brightness hotkeys work?

NotJorge Castro
37.7k108 gold badges426 silver badges624 bronze badges
Owen VersteegOwen Versteeg

3 Answers

Okay, I found an answer in this page.

This solved my brightness problems permanently:

You will find this line in the new opened window:

Change it to:

Save and close the window and type this in the terminal:

and reboot.

  1. Add the acpi_backlight=vendor to your grub default command line
  2. Run the update-grub command
  3. blacklist the ideapad_laptop by adding 'blacklist ideapad_laptop' to your /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf file.
  4. Reboot
Owen VersteegOwen Versteeg
Lenovo yoga screen brightness not working computer

Another solution for my Lenovo G480:

  1. sudo nano /etc/default/grub

  2. Change the line GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX='quiet splash' into:

    GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX='quiet splash acpi_osi=Linux'

  3. sudo update-grub

  4. Restart your Linux

Descargar driver de epson l455 gratis windows 7. This fix should work for another Lenovo models.

Maxwel LeiteMaxwel Leite
1,5991 gold badge13 silver badges26 bronze badges

protected by CommunityDec 8 '13 at 12:02

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On multiple ThinkCenter machines at the office, the screen brightness on the desktop displays is being set to the lowest setting. Using the monitor HUD the brightness can be changed again, but doing this several times a day is rather frustrating.

I get the impression some Lenovo software must be causing this, but haven't found anything. Does anybody have any suggestions?

20.9k14 gold badges53 silver badges85 bronze badges
Paul LammertsmaPaul Lammertsma
3,0335 gold badges26 silver badges38 bronze badges

3 Answers

After much digging around, I think I may have found the culprit. Since the brightness change is random, I can't say for certain it's resolved, but here are the steps I've taken so far:

  1. Open Windows Power Options and open Lenovo's Power Manager from the sidebar on the left. (You can also locate this application by typing 'Power Manager' in Start Search.)

  2. In the Lenovo Power Manager, switch to 'Advanced' mode.

  3. Under the active power profile, ensure that the 'monitor brightness' setting is set to the desired level.

  4. Under the 'Global Power Settings' tab, make sure all 'Dynamic Brightness Control' options are disabled.

  5. Under the 'Options' tab, make sure 'Magic Brightness Control' is disabled.

  6. Press OK and hope for the best.

Lenovo Ideapad 320 Brightness Not Working

Paul LammertsmaPaul Lammertsma
3,0335 gold badges26 silver badges38 bronze badges

I found a more recent version of Lenovo's Power Manager. There are versions for various flavors of Windows available from their support site:

Paul LammertsmaPaul Lammertsma

Lenovo Screen Brightness Not Working

3,0335 gold badges26 silver badges38 bronze badges

Just thought i would add my thoughts as this has been getting on my nerves for a while. In Windows what seemed to help me was changing the dam Adaptive Brightness setting to OFF this has caused me so many issues on many machines:

I would of liked to add this as a comment because i still seem to have this issue booting into BIOS and Linux, but there did not seem to be an option for an image and i thought it may be helpful as it's quite a hidden setting.


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