Zelda Ocarina Of Time Hacks

Mar 26, 2018  SM64: Ocarina of Time is ROM hack created by Kaze Emanuar on March 26, 2018. This is a SM64 Hack that is a remake of The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, but made it to fit into a Mario 64 (style) title. The hack contains 171 stars, and features no.

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Get the latest The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time cheats, codes, unlockables, hints, Easter eggs, glitches, tips, tricks, hacks, downloads, hints, guides, FAQs, walkthroughs, and more for GameCube (GameCube). CheatCodes.com has all you need to win every game you play!

Use the above links or scroll down see all to the GameCube cheats we have available for The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time.

Get Super Cocos Easy

At Lon-Lon Ranch as a kid, go to the room wereTalon is sleeping. Before you talk to him, pickup all the chickens and throw them into thecorner near the stairs where they cant get out.Once the room is clear of all the chickens, wakeup Talon and play the game. Now the only chickensin the big area of the room are the super cocos.

Getting Biggoron's Sword

Use the following long trading sequence as an adult to get Biggoron's Sword. Go to the lady that gave young Link the empty bottle, when her Cuccos were rescued. She will give Link a Pocket Cucco egg. Wait for the egg to hatch, then bring it to Talon in Kakariko Village. Bring the Cucco back to the lady, to receive Cojiro, the Blue Cucco. Go to the Lost Woods, then turn right at the entrance. Give Cojiro to the man to receive an OddMushroom, which will spoil if too much time is wasted. Rush to the Potion shop inKakariko Village, then go left into the room. Run into the shop to the right, then givethe Mushroom to the lady at that location. She will give Link an Odd Potion. Hurry back to the Lost Woods. The man will be gone, but a Kokiri will be here. Give the Potion to her to receive the Poacher's Saw. Ride the horse to Gerudo Valley. There is a broken bridge here, so whip Epona to jump it. Give the saw to the carpenter that is outside to receive Biggoron's Broken Sword. Go to the top of Death Mountain, then walk to the right. Biggoron will appear, rubbing his eyes. He has an eye infection and will give link a Prescription. Bring the Prescription to King Zora after he has been unfrozen toreceive the Eyeball frog, an ingredient for the Eyedrops. Hurry to the LakesideLaboratory at Lake Hylia and give the Eyeball Frog to the Old Man. He will giveLink the Eyedrops. Hurry back up to the Death Mountain Summit and ive theEyedrops to Biggoron. After using them, he will give Link a Claim Check. Waitthree days (play the Sun's Song six times to quickly pass the time), give himback the Claim Check to receive Biggoron's Sword. This weapon is twice aspowerful as the Master Sword, and will not break like the Giant's Knife. Note: IfLink is late during any of the time-sensitive parts of the trade, the game willrestart back at the person you need to give the item to, and will cost you tenrupees, but will allow another try. Ocarina songs may not be used to teleport to alocation during the trade.

Unlimited Money

As an adult go to the Temple in the Lost Woods.There will be a monster with a hammer if you hithim with your sword a few times he will die.Ifyou hit him with your Hookshot he will bestunned.When you kill him you will get a lot ofrubbies.After you kill him play the Minuel ofForest.And he will there again.KILL HIM!!!

Free Blue Rupee

As a kid go to the shop where you get your DukuShield and go towards the right wall and gofoward to find a Blue Rupee.

Four Bottles

Bottles are one of the most useful items in Zelda! Here are the locations of all four..

Defeating Ganondorf And Ganon

Before you go face Ganondorf, make sure you haveeverything, all weapons (especially the LightArrow, which you can get at the Temple of Timewhen you save all the Sages), all 100 GoldSkulltulas, all Gold Skulltula gifts, all HeartPieces, and all the Great Fariy gifts. REALLYmake sure you have the Great Fariy gift of doubledefense (which is near Ganon's Castle). With yourfor bottles, make sure you have two fariys andtwo bottles of blue potion. When you havedestroyed the sage barriers protectingGanondorf's Tower, go in, dodge the flamingKeese, and go to the first door, and defeat thetwo Lizofoes. Go through the door after defeatingthem, up the stairs and through the next door.You'll see a chest with the Boss Key in it, andto get it, you'll need to defeat the twoStalfoes. Go through the next door, up thestairs, and through another door with two IronKnuckles. If you want to hurt them real quick,use a Bombchu. When they're defeated, just gothrough a few more doors and use the Boss Key.When you reach the last door, a cartoon will showGanondorf playing the organ with Princess Zeldaas his prisoner, and Triforce symbols coming onZelda's and Link's hands, and Ganondorf takingZelda's Triforce of Wisdom, adding it to hisTriforce of Power. Before Ganondorf startstalking, Link's Triforce of Courage will refillhis health and magic. When the game introducesGanondorf, immeditly run to the outside, becauseGanondorf will hit the floor and the blocks willfall and he'll create a pillar for himself. Youwon't be able to use Navi's Z-Targeting for awhile. When he starts to use an energy ball, drawyour sword and repel it to send it back to him.After a few games of tennis (as I like to callit), the ball will hit Ganondorf, and he'll bestinned for a few seconds. Quickly draw out yourbow and transform your arrows into Light Arrows,and fire one at Ganondorf. When he is hit, Navican use Z-targeting again and you can use yourLongshot on Ganondorf to pull yourself to him, oruse your Hover Boots (I'd recomend the Longshot),and attack Ganondorf with your sword. WhenGanondorf is about to get up (you'll know whenyou see the Light Arrow's dust goes away), useyour Longshot on the stain-glass window to getaway from him. If you don't get away, he'll hitthe pillar and some of the blocks will fall away.If Ganondorf's about to make a portal where he'lluse a few energy balls, just use a Light Arrowsince it takes him a while to use it. Do all thatI've told you how to get at Ganondorf a few timesand you'll soon win. If you run out of life ormagic, drop down the pillar, and break the jarsfor them. When you beat Ganondorf, all yourhealth and magic will be filled up again, andPrincess Zelda will be free. But, with his lastbreath, Ganondorf tries to bring down the tower.You and Zelda have three (3) minutes to get out.Zelda will unlock doors and you'll fightmonsters. After about two or three doors, Zeldawill be trapped in a ring of fire, and toextinguish it, you'll have to defeat twoStalfoes. DON'T USE YOUR MAGIC! SAVE IT! Whenthey're defeated, Zelda will give you hearts ifyou lost any, or if you didn't, she'll give yourupees. After a while, you'll go over the bridgethat led you to the beginning of the tower, andyou'll see a ReDead. Dodge it, and Zelda willopen the last door. After the tower falls, youand Zelda hear a loud BOOM. Go over to the pileof stones, and a ring of fire will separate youfrom Zelda, creating an arena. Ganondorf willcome out of the pile, and the Triforce of Powerwill change him into a monster, and he will nowbe Ganon. Ganon has two big swords, and when Linkraises the Master Sword to block one, the MasterSword will fly out of his grasp, next to Zelda.This time Navi will be able to help you. To startthe battle, cast Nayru's Love to form aprotective shield. Roll under Ganon's legs. Histail is his weak point, so slash at it with theBiggoron Sword. If you don't have the sword, usethe Megaton Hammer. Keep doing this a few times.After a while, Ganon will fall, and the fire willgo away. By then, Nayru's Love will end. Run toZelda and get the Master Sword. Make sure theMaster Sword is your sword to use. When theMaster Sword is ready, run back to Ganon. Thering of fire will come back, and you have time toslash at Ganon's tail. Ganon will be much faster,so to get to his tail, fire Light Arrows at hisface. He'll be blind for a while, and you canthen use the Master Sword on his tail. If you runout of magic, use a blue potion, or have Ganonslash a t a pillar to get faries or magic jars.Keep fighting Ganon and soon he'll will fall.Zelda will use her magic to hold Ganon down andtell you to use your sword. The Master Sword willglow with the power to bring Ganon down, and allyou have to do is use the sword on his face.Ganon will act wild and Zelda will call to thesix Sages, and they'll suck Ganon into the EvilRealm. A cartoon will show Link and Zelda in theclouds, and Zelda will tell Link to put theMaster Sword back at the Temple of Time and closethe Door of Time. Link will give the Ocarina toZelda, and after he is taken away, you'll see acartoon of everyone celebrating at the Lon LonRanch, and see the five Sages you rescued. Andfinally, it'll show Link as a boy again, Naviparting with him, and Link going to the castle tosee the young Princess Zelda looking forGanondorf, and thankfull Link is alive.Congratulations! You beat the game!

Free Goron Tunic

After you have grown-up inside the Goron's cavethere will be a little goron rolling in place ofthe bigger one. The only thing is that if you getclose to him he will turn around. what you haveto do is make sure he is in the small cavern nearthe north wall. Then pull out a bomb then thow itbehind him so that when he turns around he willget hit by the explosion and stop. Talk to himabout the dragon then the gorons. After youfinish talking he will give you the Tunic and theshop will open.

Hide And Seek

Zelda ocarina of time hacks download

At Lon-Lon Ranch as a kid, go to the room wereTalon is sleeping. Before you talk to him, pickup all the chickens and throw them into thecorner near the stairs where they cant get out.Once the room is clear of all the chickens, wakeup Talon and play the game. Now the only chickensin the big area of the room are the super cocos.

Frozen Zora's Domain

Zora's Domain will be frozen when playing as anadult. There is no way to thaw it.

Ending Bonus

Successfully complete the game and wait atthe 'The End' screen. Eventually,the Scarecrow's Song will begin playing withdifferent instruments.

Easy Way Past The Geurdo

To knock out a Geurdo thief, simply shoot herwith an arrow. To freeze her, usethe hookshot or longshot.

Malon's Obstacle Course

Return to Lon Lon Ranch after getting Talon to go back home (by waking him upwith the Cucco the girl in Kakariko Village gives Link). Complete Malon'sobstacle course as an adult (talk to her while on Epona) in under fifty seconds.If successful, she'll give Link a cow. It will be at his house in Kokiri Forest.Use it to get Lon Lon Milk by playing Epona's Song in front of the cow.

Free Fairies

Play Zelda's Lullaby in front of a Gossip Stoneand they will give you a free Fairy.Play the Song of Storms in front of a GossipStone and it will give you a Big Fairy.Get a butterfly to land on a Deku stick and itwill turn into a Fairy. Slowly walktowards the butterfly with a Deku Stick out; thisrequires patience. Play the Songof Storms near a soft patch of soil with a MagicBean planted. It will grow andproduce three regular Fairies.

Before Opening The Door Of Time

After collecting the 3 Spiritual Stones, Naviwill urge Link to go to the castle.Before doing so, try to collect all the heartsand the Gold Skulltula tokens and getthe master sword. Gandorf will take the Triforceand turn Link into a adult makinghalf the heart pieces and Gold Skulltulasinaccessible.

Legend Of Zelda Ocarina Of Time 3ds Hacks

Stretch A Gossip Stone

Drop a bomb near a Gossip Stone to have it blastoff into space.

Kill The Rolling Goron

To kill the giant rolling Goron in Goron City,bomb him around ten times. After theninth bombing, he will grunt and the otherGoron's will run out to kill you.

Chicken Attack

As in previous games in the series, if Linkapproaches a chicken and hurts it insome way, it will call for others to attack. Theattack can be stopped by enteringa door or leaving the area.

Fix A Broken Sign

After slashing a sign and breaking it, playZelda's Lulluby while standing in frontof the pieces.

Ocarina Flats And Sharps

Hold R and press one of the Ocarina playingbuttons to make a sharp note, or Z tomake a flat.

Free Lon Lon Milk

Approach any cow with an empty bottle and play Epona's Song. The song willremind the cow of the pasture, and will give Link free milk.

Get Fire And Ice Arrows

After completing the water temple, go to Lake Hylia. Play the Sun Song at plaquenear the warp point (serenade of water) to make the sun rise. As soon as thishappens, shoot the sun with an arrow and fire arrows will appear. To get icearrows, complete the Geurdo training center.

Illegal Fishing Lure (Sinking Lure)

Use the following steps to get a better fishing lure that can catch more fish. Asan adult, walk to the log that is sticking out in the pond. Walk around on itawhile to find a sinking lure, that can catch fish almost every time. Note: Thelure may only be used once, and if used to catch a record weight fish, thecounterman will not give Link a prize. The sign on the tank will also be markedwith 'With illegal fishing lure.'

Purple Rupees

Kill any enemy with the light arrows to receive apurple rupee.

Rupees With Bunny Mask

After completing the Forest Temple, return to the Temple of Time. Drop theMaster Sword back into the stone to change back to Young Link. Go to the maskshop and make sure Link can borrow the Bunny Mask. Link should also have theGiant's Wallet (that holds 500 rupees) for this trick to be most effective.Thirty Gold Skulltulas should also have been collected, and Link should havetalked to one of the kids in the house in Kakariko Village that has the curse onthem to get the wallet. Buy as much as possible with the current amount ofrupees. Go to Hyrule Field and run to the right, towards Lon Lon Ranch. Run untila man running around like an idiot comes into view. Follow him until he sits downand gets tired. Wear on the Bunny Mask and talk to him. He will ask for the maskand fill Link's wallet with rupees.

Easiest And Ultimate Ruby Collection

Go to the drawbridge in front of the marketplace during the day and run up to thetop of one of the chains. Wait for night to arrive (or play the Sun's Song).Carefully run across the bridge to collect three red rubies worth an easy 60rupees. Play the Sun's Song again to lower the drawbridge. Go into the market andcome back out again to repeat the trick.

Breaking Open Boxes

To break open a regular brown wooden box, justrun at it and press A. Link will rolland smash open the box. This is useful whenfinding all the chickens and to get aSkulltula in the Marketplace room with the pots.

Money From Trees

Run at a tree as young Link and press A to roll and slam into it. Then, askulltula or some rupees will usually fall out.

Unlimited Money

Go to the Lost Woods and find the Skull Kid whois alone as adult Link. Then, lockonto and kill him, and he will give you 200rupees. Enter a door, return, andrepeat the process to collect an unlimited amountof money.

Getting The Biggest Quiver

Enter the archery game as an adult after getting the Gerudo Membership Card. Itcosts 20 rupees to play, but is worth it. Play the first time and get 1,000points and to receive a Heart Container. Play the game a second time and get1,500 points and to receive the Biggest Quiver, which holds up to fifty arrows.When starting the archery game, aim for the bullseye and fire to get 100 pointseach time. Also shoot at the target at the end. When you come around the endtarget, aim for the clay jars. Shoot them to collect 100 points per jar. Keepgetting 100's on the targets and successfully shoot all the clay jars to get therequired 1,500 points for the Biggest Quiver.

Getting Gold Skulltulas

Capture a bug in a bottle and drop them on some soft soil, where Link would putsome Magic Beans. Then, a Gold Skulltula will appear. Kill it and get your newfound token. This works on all of them except the soft soil spot right next tothe man that sells the Magic Beans.

Finding Gold Skulltulas

Hunt only at night because that is the time that the Gold Skulltulas appear. Someappear while Link is a child and some appear while he is an adult. A few appearduring both these times. The Skulltulas like dirt patches, where the magic beansmay be planted. Use a bottle of bugs to surface the spiders. Nine of the tenspots contain a Skulltula. Some like to hide in trees, so check them with a rollattack. It is wise to check most trees because most all of them have a good prizesuch as bombs or rupees if not a gold Skulltula. The Skulltulas can be inslingshot range many times, but require a boomerang to retrieve the token. Theyalso love to hide in crates, so use the roll attack to break them.

Finding A Bag That Holds 40 Seeds

Go to the Lost Woods. After entering, turn right and continue forward to a ledgewith a fence and ladder to the left. A metal circular object will be suspendedfrom a tree at this location. Shoot it three times exactly in the center with theslingshot and to receive the bag. A '100' will flash when your shot hits thecenter. You must score '100' three times in a row.

Finding Nayru's Love

Nayru's Love is a protective barrier that helps Link withstand damage. It can befound by blowing up the crack between the two palm trees in Desert Colossus.

Finding The Giant's Knife

Go to Goron City as young Link. On one of the floors is a wall that appearsquestionable. Blow it up, then keep destroying the other walls behind it. Talk tothe big may to learn that he is working on a weapon. Return as older Link toreceive the Giant's Knife.

Finding Saria

To find Saria, go to the Lost Woods and move in the following directions: Right,Left, Right, Left, Center, Left, Right.

Free Milk

After you learn Epona's song go to a cow and playthe song. The cow will tell you she can producelots of milk and give you free milk instead ofpaying for it from Talon.

Hurting Epona

While you are riding Epona, take out your bow andshoot her on the neck and she will make a loudnay.

Over 100 Gold Skultulas

You must have: Bombs, Boomerang, And the Song ofStorms to do this trick. - In order to get asmany gold skultullas as you want, you should goto the tree right next to where you first metTalon. Then you play the song of storms. A holewill open and you can jump down.You will see thatparts of the wall are able to be bombed, so bombthe walls, and behind one of them is a goldskulltula get right up next to the teleporter soyou have it as close as you can behind you. onceyou kill the gold skultulla, Z-target the coin,then throw your boomerang at it, as it comesback, do a back-flip into the teleporter, youwill get the coin. if you go back down there, theskulltula will still be there, You can do this asmany times as you want.

Trading All The Masks

Golden Scale

To get the golden scale, become an adult and thengo fishing. Catch a fish that is at least 15pounds. Keep it then talk to the guy at thecounter ask him to weigh your fish then he willgive it to you.

How To Beat GANON

You will have to stun him in his face with alight arrow then hit him with the gaint's nifeof the hammer on his tail.

How To Beat Dark Link

The easy way is to use a gaints nife and hitunder his shield.

Deku Sword

To find the Deku sword, after being summoned bythe Deku Tree, head east over to the fenced inarea, and enter the small hole. After you crawlthrough head left until you come to the openpassage then head through hang left again untilyou come to an opening with a chest. Inside isthe deku sword. Then exit the way you came. {Note:You may also find some money in the grass too.}

Big Ruppes

To get one of the big ruppies go to the lostwoods where the guy stiing by the stump used tobe equiped with the biggorons sword. The skullkid will attack you. Defeat him to get the bigruppe. It's worth about 300!

Defeating Gohma

To defeat Ghoma Inside the Great Deku Tree,use your slingshoot when its eye turns Red. Thenhack and slash him. Repeat until he dies.

Courtyard Windows

In the castle courtyardwhere you meet Zelda, lookon the walls. Inside one off the windows you willsee pictures of Mario, Luigi, and other Nintendocharacters. Shoot that window with your slingshotand you will get a free 20 ruppes. Shoot theother window and a castle gaurd will throw a bombat you!

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We have no unlockables for The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.

We have no easter eggs for The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.

Glitch: Unlimted Gold Skulltulas

As young Link go to the tree at Hyrule castle nextto where you first meet Talon. Play the song ofstorms to open a secret cave. When you get inthere will be a wall you can bomb in front of you.Bomb the wall left of that one to find a skulltulaand a gold skulltula. Destroy the gold skulltulaand L target the token. Throw the boomarang at it.When the bomarang touches the tokens backflip intothe teleporter. A blank or incomplete message boxwill appear. You will have another gold skulltulaand it will still be in the cave.

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Created by: Legend_of_Zelda_Rocks.Read the full guide..

type diskpart. restart machine with Windows 8.1. Using diskpart for efi partition. run command prompt as administrator. determine 'EFI System' partition with the Disk Management utility.

Created by: ZeldaGirlieGirl.Read the full guide..

Created by: kingzor123.Read the full guide..

Created by: supermariodeoxys.Read the full guide..

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Created by: cheatr123.Read the full guide..

Created by: kingzor123.Read the full guide..

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Get the latest The Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time cheats, codes, unlockables, hints, Easter eggs, glitches, tips, tricks, hacks, downloads, hints, guides, FAQs, walkthroughs, and more for Nintendo64 (N64). CheatCodes.com has all you need to win every game you play!

Use the above links or scroll down see all to the Nintendo64 cheats we have available for The Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time.

How To Get Epona

Although it has already been submitted hot to get Epona, I had a hard time following the instructions provided. Here is a more explanatory set of instructions:
To get Epona the horse, shown when you start the game and it says press start, you have to go to Lon Lon Ranch as young Link after Talon has gone home. Talk to Malon, who is in the field. She teaches you Epona's Song.
Now return as older Link and you learn that Ingo, the angry farmhand, has taken over the ranch. Talk to him by the horse field and pay him 10 rupees to ride a horse. Ride a regular horse. Talk to him by stopping your horse by him and using Z. Challenge him to a race, he will bet 50 rupees. You will lose because your horse stinks.
Now become young Link and walk up the drawbridge chain and wait or make it night with the Sun's Song. Get the 60 rupees and go into the courtyard of the castle and come back out and get the rupees again. Repeat until your money is maxed out.
Go to the ranch as older Link and this time play Epona's song to make her come. Race Ingo, and hit A until all your carrots are gone then stop pressing it until they come back.
Epona is naturally better than all the other horses, but it takes practice to beat Ingo. Get past him by passing between him and the fence. Use your carrots. When he comes on the fence side, block him by moving to the fence. When he goes out in the field, go diagonally and block him so you get ahead of him. When you win he throws a fit and bets the horse (Epona). This time it is harder. Do what I said above, with more emphasis on the blocking part. When you beat him this time he gets mad because now Ganondorf will hate him because he had promised him Epona. He locks you in the field by locking the gate by the house and barn, and says you will not leave the ranch until you give Epona back. Do a half-lap and use carrots to hop the fence (it is easy). You now have Epona and she will come if you play Epona's Song in Hyrule Field. She helps you get the Big Poes for an empty bottle.


When you use a bomb on a gossip stone (one-eyedrock), after a while, it will fly in the sky andeventually, the stone will blow up.

Hurting Epona

While you are riding Epona, take out your bowand shoot her on the neck and she will make aloud nay.

Looooong Dive

This doesn't have anything to do with theprogression of the game, but it's fun anyway. Asadult link go to the Gerodos cannion after thebridge has been rebuilt. Walk out to the middleof the bridge, turn away from the waterfall(faceing the waterfall makes a shorter dive) andrun of the edge. Don't roll or it won't work,just run off the edge of the bridge and link willdo a very very long dive down to the river. Thiswon't work with link wearing his hover bootseither, that with just end up having youlistening to link scream half the way down.(Thatsembarrising to hear a warrior scream his lungsout, but its fun too :)heh heh heh) After thedive the water current should take link to lakehylia. (Ain't that the longest swan dive you'veever seen!!)

Get To The Bottom Of The Well

As you notice, the well is dried up as adult Linkbut he cannot get in it. But there is a way in.Have the song of storms handy. Turn into kidlink. Go to the windmill and yep, play the songof storms for the man. The windmill will go outof control and the water will dry up in the socalled wet well. Than when you climb down thewell as Kid link you will notice an entrance atthe bottom of the well. You are now in theumm..place where you can find the hover boots!

Get 20 Rupees

As a child/adult go into the room right next to the gate to the market on the inside. The should be a Gaurd/Old guy in there. The pot to the right of the window closest to the door has a red ruppee! (worth 20!). Repeat if neccessary.

Angry Guard In Castle

Enter the Princess's castle and go to the yardwhere you speak to her. On the Opposite side ofthe Mario pictures, there will be anotherwindow. Hit it with the slingshot and a guard willpop out by the window. He will yell at you thenthrow a bomb at you so run fast before it blowsup.

Turning Smoke

To make smoke turn you have to go to the volcano using the 'ballad of fire'. Once there press the TOP C button to look around but instead look up and start turning in circlesso the smoke coming from the two big rocks will start turning.

Make Link Moonwalk

To make Link do a little number from MichealJackson, enter a room or place in which youcannot look around with C+Up (like the stable inLon Lon Ranch) and equip the Iron Boots (thesecan be found in the Ice Cavern) and press andhold Z. Walk backwards and watch Link move! Youdon't have to do it, but it's pretty funny.

Repaired Signs

When you cut a sign with your sword, play Zelda's Lullaby on your Ocarina. Doesn't matter which ocarina!

Make Link Run/Walk Like An Idiot

To make Link do this, keep pressing the Z buttonrepeatidly and he will walk stupid.

Secret Suprise

This code is kind of wierd, but I think you'll like it. If you put ZELDA as your nameyou get a 'SECRET SURPRISE'. It's different for every game cartrage.

Gossip Stone's Tricks

You must have: Bombs, Boomerang, And the Song of Storms to do this trick. -In order to get as many gold skultullas as you want, you should go to the tree right next to where you first met Talon. Then you play the song of storms. A hole will open and you can jump down.You will see that parts of the wall are able to be bombed, so bomb the walls, and behind one of them is a gold skulltula get right up next to the teleporter so you have it as close as you can behind you. once you kill the gold skultulla, Z-target the coin, then throw your boomerang at it, as it comes back, do a back-flip into the teleporter, you will get the coin. if you go back down there, the skulltula will still be there, You can do this as many times as you want.

Hidden Pictures

Go to where Zelda is met for the first time. Then, look into the window on his left, as you enter. Pictures of Yoshi, Princess Toadstool, Mario, Bowser and Luigi can now be seen. Look from different angles to see them all. Throw something into the window with Mario to receive 20 rupees. Throwing something into the other window will result in a lit bomb being thrown back at Link.


Probably the hardest, but most useful. Do a backflip, then in mid-backflip pull out a bomb and press R to drop it. It should be far enough away so that the action icon does not say 'grab'. Near the end of the bombs fuse, about 1/2 a second after it starts flashing rapidly, mash the A button. You will roll and you should 'grab' the bomb but not actually grab it. If you timed it right it will blow up when you get up and you will superslide.Notes:superslides can usually clip into.

Mega Faceplant

You can use either adult or kid Link for this. First, go to Gerudo Valley. Right next to the bridge at the entrance there is a huge trench. Have Link run up and swan dive off the edge. At the bottom there is a platform with a cow on it. Push forward on the joystick to aim right for the platform. I think you can guess what happens next. Make sure you have a lot of health, because this is very harmful to Link's anime face. This is fun to do when you have beaten the game and have nothing else to do. Get free milk from the cow that is down there by playing Epona's song right next to it.

Hidden Tunics

When your a adult go to gorons tunics is in the the gorgons city throw a bomb on the little gorgon ask him about the dragon he will give you a fire proof tunic. When your an adult go to ice cavern get the blue fire defrost the king zora and give you a infinite breath underwater.

Another Tip About The Deku Club

Another way to get the deku club is when you aregoing down hill, pull out a deku stick and getclose to a wall. Hold Z so you side-step and thenpress a so you jump to the side. Then press thedeku stick button while you are in the air andthe deku stick will strike the wall. You shouldend up holding a broken-in-half deku stick.The deku stick is more powerful than the kokirisword, but, it has drawbacks. Whenever you make adeku club, you must have at least 2 deku sticks.When it gets broken in half, it counts it asdestroying the deku stick, and you lose one. Soif you have only one deku stick when you make adeku club, then it will say you have no dekusticks left and you wont be able to strike withit. Also, you cannot use your shield when youhave a deku club. So basically its the same asadult link's biggoron's sword but with less range.

Water Temple Treasure

In the Water Temple, there is a room with atreasure chest protected by a water spout. To stopthe water spout, you can hit the switch in theroom, but, a glitchy way of getting the treasureis to keep running into the front of the treasurechest when the water spout is on and keep pressingA. You should be able to open the chest withoutneeding to hit the switch.

Torch Money

As young link go to the castle. Get past all theguards except for the two guarding the gate. Takeout the slingshot and shoot the torches above thedrawbridge to get a red ruby (note that this willnot open the drawbridge).

Fire Arrow

When you beat WATER temple go to the platform bythe tree. Aim your bow at the sun and shoot. Thengo get the fire arrow.

Free Goron Tunic

After you have grown-up inside the Goron's cavethere will be a little goron rolling in place ofthe bigger one. The only thing is that if youget close to him he will turn around. what youhave to do is make sure he is in the smallcavern near the north wall. Then pull out a bombthen thow it behind him so that when he turnsaround he will get hit by the explosion andstop. Talk to him about the dragon then thegorons. After you finish talking he will giveyou the Tunic and the shop will open.

Free Milk

After you learn Epona's song go to a cow andplay the song. The cow will tell you she canproduce lots of milk and give you free milkinstead of paying for it from Talon.

Get Super Cocos Easy

At Lon-Lon Ranch as a kid, go to the room wereTalon is sleeping. Before you talk to him, pickup all the chickens and throw them into thecorner near the stairs where they cant get out.Once the room is clear of all the chickens, wakeup Talon and play the game. Now the onlychickens in the big area of the room are thesuper cocos.

Hide And Seek

To find the Chickens the girl asks for lookhere: Next to the pen, Bash the crate in thecorner, By the guard on the mountain, by theentrance, beside the 'spiders' house. To get thelast ones, grab a chicken and go to the ledgenear the windmill. Jump off and Glide to thegate. It may take a few tries but it works. Throwthe chickens over the fence and climb the ladderto the top. Grab the chicken and glide down intothe pen. Don't forget to get the chickens youthrew over! Get all the chickens in the pen andthe girl will give you a bottle. Do it over andover again to get a purple rupee: which is 50rupees. Good Luck!

R2D2 Apperance

In the bombbucha bowling alley, look up using c,up youll see R2D2 has found aninteresting job.

Quick Rupees

When you are saving the carpenters from thegerudos you might have notice that in one of therooms there is a boiling pot of red liquid. Ifyou jump into the middle of it you'll get 20rupees easily. But dont stay in too long or theliquid will start to hurt you. The only way toget out of the pot is to either hook shot or backflip.

Embarrissing Gerudo Fact

When your a kid get the mask of truth and got tothe temple of time. When you first get to thefirst screen before the screen where u can enterthe temple, there are 4 gossip stones. Put themask of truth on and talk to the gossip stone allthe way to the right to learn a funny butembarrissing fact about gerudos.

Kill Enemies In The Sacred Forest Meadow

The best way to kill the enemies in the SacredForest Meadow is to shot it with the hookshot.They will die and then you can get past them. Ifthey see you though, they will charge at youand knock you over so be careful.

The Kokiri Sword

If you are starting the game you need a sword and a shield to get past Mido. To get the sword you need to leave your house, talk to the girl, then walk up the ramp. Turn toward your house the with Z targeting look to the right of your house. There you will see something that looks like a fence. Find a way up to the fence. Then go all the way back to the wall. There you will see a tunnel. Walk up to it. Look at your directionicon. If it says enter then press the A button. But if it doesn't then walk a bit closer to the tunnel until it does. Then crawl through the tunnel. You will reach a turn-off. you can go 4 ways. You want to go out into the middle and watch the path to your left. Wait until a boulder goes by then follow it. The first corner you turn into will be filled with tall grass. When you get to the end of that runway then I would turn to the right and wait for another boulder to go by. Then follow it. You will come to another turn-off. This time turn to the right. Then use Z targeting to straighten out your view. You will see a big chest. Walk up to it and look at your direction icon on the top of the screen. if it says open then press the A button and open it. But if it doesn't then walk closer to the chest. Keep walking closer until the direction icon says open. Inside of the chest you will find the Kokiri Sword. To equip it press the START button and go to the equiptment screen and move the cursor to the picture of the Kokiri Sword. Then press the A button. After you have done that you will be able to use the sword by pressing the B button.

Secret Heart Piece

To get a heart piece go to the wall that leads tothe fishing hut, play the song of storms over bythe tree ans then around the wall you willneed toset a bomb. A hole will appear and then go in itto find a heart piece

Secret Room In Fire Temple

After you get the longshot go back to the fire temple. In the maze with the rolling boulders a place will have a block you cannot climb. Play the scarecrow's song and Pi'erre will sprout up. Hook onto him and you will be at the secret room!

Get The Biggest Bomb Bag!

Go to goron city as a child. On one of the floorsthere will be a giant rolling Goron. When youbomb him he says 'Why did you stop my roll? Noone can! Now watch me roll!' and than keepsrolling. But if you bomb him 10 times withoutleaving the platform to get more bombs orsomething the goron will say something like 'AaaaMAN!!! I FEEL SO GOOD! YOU CAN HAVE THIS, I DONTNEED IT!' and he will give you the biggest bombbag.

Cookin Up A Storm

To get the song of storms become adult link. Goto where the organ-man (Guy running the windmill)lives. He will say something like 'Grrr.. sevenyears ago a troublesome kid played a song andscrewed up this whole windmill!' Take out yourocarina and he will teach you the song ofstorms!!! If you use this song, sometimes theground will open up a secret grotto!

Use A Sheild Without Really Using It

To do this you need the Deku Shield and a Hylian Sheild.Then Link will pretend to use a sheild and the Hylian Sheild will be on his back!

Get Bombchus In Haunted Wasteland

When you enter the Haunted Wastelands, cross the sand pit and follow the first few flags. Soon enough you will show up to a sign that says all who wander the desert, see me. Equip your Hover Boots and go to the bridge where the sign points to. Float across the bridge onto the magic carpet with some guy. Speak to him and he will offer you something dangerous for 200 rupees. When you buy the item, its a bombchu.

Turn Any Item Into A Bottle

Find a place were there are bugs and take out oneof your bottles. Go to catch it and when he ishalfway through the swipe hit start. Pute anotheritem that you don't won't to the c button werethe bottle is. Hit start again. He will catch thebugs and the c were the other item is will turninto a bottle. The only downfall is you cant getthe item back!!!

Swimming Chickens

To make chickens swim you must go to Zora's riverwhile your a kid then there will be a chickennear the entrance. Hit the chicken until it getsmad and makes other chickens go after you, jumpin the river and swim against it(not with itandkeep on pressing B while doing it to stay inplace)keep on swimming and pretty soon thechickens will start swimmingNote:Try not to get hit from the chickens

Forward Backflip

To do a forward backflip you must have the hover boots.To make it more fancy you try and take out your sword while doing the forward backflip. It may not help you beat the game but it looks cool.

Beat Morpha In Under A Minute

First, go into the inner platforms to set heroff. then, immediately go into a corner andlongshot her. IMMEDIATELY go around behind herand keep slashing. That way, Morpha can'tescape, and you can beat her in about 30seconds. This may take a few tries.

Get Stone Of Agony

This hint is very and easy. The Stone of Agonyis an object that-when you use your rumble pack-shakes, near secrets. To get the Stone of Agony,kill exactly 20 or 21 gold skutullas,warp toDeath Mountain Crater by playing the Bolero ofFire, run down to Kakariko Village and enter thehouse of skutullas, and talk to the next curedperson. He will thank you and give you the Stoneof Agony.

Extra Deku Sticks

When you get the skull mask, go to the lostwoods. Then go to the Forest Stage. Put on yourmask and walk to the center of the room. DekuShrubs will pop out and surround you. Walk to theright. Eventually, a big pne will wake up andoffer you more sticks.

Find Hidden Treasure Chest!

As child Link, go to Zora's Domain. Go to wherethe King Zora is and light a Duke Stick. Run downthe steps and light the torch at the end of thesteps. Now, after you have done that light upanother duke stick and run down by the shop andlight that torch. The with the duke stick stilllit run throught the water (don't get in the deepwater) and light the two torches then hurrybehind the waterfall and light those two torches.If you have done this correctly and fast enoughyou will find a hidden treasure chest with aheart piece in it.

Secret Hole

Go to Links forest villige and go up to theentrance to the lost woods. Go to the gossipstone near the entrance. Play the song of stormsand a hole should appear.

How To Catch A Huge Lunker

This Hint work's better if it has the sinkinglure. To get the biggest fish there is in thepond cast the lure by the 3 stick's or the log.If you angle this fish it will take maybe morethan 5 minutes. Once you get it up it looks smallbut when it show's a close up picture it's thesize of the whole SCREEN. And when you weigh yourfish don't expect to be in a bigger tank or fitit in there. This is true.

Make The Gossip Stone In To A Tornado

This is a pretty cool trick, if you have Dim's Fire go by a Gossip Stone and use Dim's Fire next to it. It will spin, Flat down, then spin HIGH in the air. NOTE: I think you need to slash it first.

More Red Rupees

Go to Hyrule castle town, and before you go in walk up the chain, and play the sun song. When the gate goes up, walk acroos the vertical gate and recieve 3 or 4 red rupees!

Breaking A Roof

First you must have bombs and the song of storms to do this. Go in a hole where it has a one eyed rock. Then put a bomb near a one-eyed rock then wait until it turns red and then let it crash into the roof.

Stealing The Fishing Guys Hat

Go to the fishing pond in lake Hylia(You must be an adult to do this). When he askes you if you want to go fishing say yes. Take your rod an cast it at him. This may take a couple of tries. You should be in the middle of the desk and the wall when you cast. If you do this right then will hook his hat on your line and uncover his bald head. He will start yelling at you. Cast your line out into the water and reel it in. The hat will fall off and he will be bald for the rest of the game. Will this help you on your quest? No, but it is so much fun to do.

Secret Money

Go to Kakoriko Village and then go to the tree at the entrance. Take 10 steps away from the tree going east. Now after that place a bomb on the ground where you stopped and a hole will appear with a chest that has 200 ruppees.

Easy Fairies

Play Zelda's lullaby in front of a gossip stone and a fairy will come out.

Free Money

Go to Zelda's court and look to the right. There should be a window with theMario characters in it. If you shoot it you will get a free 20 rupees.

How To Get To Dodongo In Dodongo's Caverns.

Ok, Frist you need Bombs, Then you need to go tothe top level (In Dodongo Caverns.) Jump on thestatue head and the place a bomb in one eye thenthe other eye. Finally place a bomb (On) hisnose, Then after the bomb(s) explode his mouthwill open. Go to the next room.

Golden Scale

To get the golden scale, become an adult and thengo fishing. Catch a fish that is at least 15pounds. Keep it then talk to the guy at thecounter ask him to weigh your fish then he willgive it to you.

Defeating Ganondorf And Ganon

Before you go face Ganondorf, make sure you have everything, all weapons (especially the Light Arrow, which you can get at the Temple of Time when you save all the Sages), all 100 Gold Skulltulas, all Gold Skulltula gifts, all Heart Pieces, and all the Great Fariy gifts. REALLY make sure you have the Great Fariy gift of double defense (which is near Ganon's Castle). With your for bottles, make sure you have two fariys and two bottles of blue potion. When you have destroyed the sage barriers protectingGanondorf's Tower, go in, dodge the flaming Keese, and go to the first door, and defeat the two Lizofoes. Go through the door after defeating them, up the stairs and through the next door. You'll see a chest with the Boss Key in it, and to get it, you'll need to defeat the two Stalfoes. Go through the next door, up the stairs, and through another door with two Iron Knuckles. If you want to hurt them real quick, use a Bombchu. When they're defeated, just go through a few more doors and use the Boss Key. When you reach the last door, a cartoon will show Ganondorf playing the organ with Princess Zelda as his prisoner, and Triforce symbols coming on Zelda's and Link's hands, and Ganondorf taking Zelda's Triforce of Wisdom, adding it to his Triforce of Power. Before Ganondorf starts talking, Link's Triforce of Courage will refill his health and magic. When the game introduces Ganondorf, immeditly run to the outside, because Ganondorf will hit the floor and the blocks will fall and he'll create a pillar for himself. You won't be able to use Navi's Z-Targeting for a while. When he starts to use an energy ball, draw your sword and repel it to send it back to him. After a few games of tennis (as I like to call it), the ball will hit Ganondorf, and he'llbe stinned for a few seconds. Quickly draw out your bow and transform your arrows into Light Arrows, and fire one at Ganondorf. When he is hit, Navi can use Z-targeting again and you can use your Longshot on Ganondorf to pull yourself to him, or use your Hover Boots (I'd recomend the Longshot), and attack Ganondorf with your sword. When Ganondorf is about to get up (you'll know when you see the Light Arrow's dust goes away), use your Longshot on the stain-glass window to get away from him. If you don't get away, he'll hit the pillar and some of the blocks will fall away. If Ganondorf's about to make a portal where he'll use a few energy balls, just use aLight Arrow since it takes him a while to useit. Do all that I've told you how to get atGanondorf a few times and you'll soon win. Ifyou run out of life or magic, drop down thepillar, and break the jars for them. When youbeat Ganondorf, all your health and magic will befilled up again, and Princess Zelda will befree. But, with his last breath, Ganondorf triesto bring down the tower. You and Zelda havethree (3) minutes to get out. Zelda will unlockdoors and you'll fight monsters. After about twoor three doors, Zelda will be trapped in a ringof fire, and to extinguish it, you'll have todefeat two Stalfoes. DON'T USE YOUR MAGIC! SAVEIT! When they're defeated, Zelda will give youhearts if you lost any, or if you didn't, she'llgive you rupees. After a while, you'll go overthe bridge that led you to the beginning of thetower, and you'll see a ReDead. Dodge it, andZelda will open the last door. After the towerfalls, you and Zelda hear a loud BOOM. Go overto the pile of stones, and a ring of fire willseparate you from Zelda, creating an arena.Ganondorf will come out of the pile, and theTriforce of Power will change him into a monster,and he will now be Ganon. Ganon has two bigswords, and when Link raises the Master Sword toblock one, the Master Sword will fly out of hisgrasp, next to Zelda. This time Navi will beable to help you. To start the battle, castNayru's Love to form a protective shield. Rollunder Ganon's legs. His tail is his weak point,so slash at it with the Biggoron Sword. If youdon't have the sword, use the Megaton Hammer.Keep doing this a few times. After a while,Ganon will fall, and the fire will go away. Bythen, Nayru's Love will end. Run to Zelda andget the Master Sword. Make sure the Master Swordis your sword to use. When the Master Sword isready, run back to Ganon. The ring of fire willcome back, and you have time to slash at Ganon'stail. Ganon will be much faster, so to get tohis tail, fire Light Arrows at his face. He'llbe blind for a while, and you can then use theMaster Sword on his tail. If you run out ofmagic, use a blue potion, or have Ganon slash a ta pillar to get faries or magic jars. Keepfighting Ganon and soon he'll will fall. Zeldawill use her magic to hold Ganon down and tellyou to use your sword. The Master Sword willglow with the power to bring Ganon down, and allyou have to do is use the sword on his face.Ganon will act wild and Zelda will call to thesix Sages, and they'll suck Ganon into the EvilRealm. A cartoon will show Link and Zelda in theclouds, and Zelda will tell Link to put theMaster Sword back at the Temple of Time and closethe Door of Time. Link will give the Ocarina toZelda, and after he is taken away, you'll see acartoon of everyone celebrating at the Lon LonRanch, and see the five Sages you rescued. Andfinally, it'll show Link as a boy again, Naviparting with him, and Link going to the castle tosee the young Princess Zelda looking forGanondorf, and thankfull Link is alive.Congratulations! You beat the game!

Easy Way To Beat Ganon

To beat Ganon without using any Light Arrows, just lock onto him with Z and then back under his legs and use the Megaton Hammer, Biggorons Sword (best one), or Master Sword and jump attack his tail. You can only defeat Ganon after you get the Master Sword back and use the method above to take care of him once and for all.

Get All The Money You Can Hold

If you're short on money, but have all 100 Gold Skulltulas, go to Kakariko Village and go to the House of Skulltula. Talk to the father, and he'll give you a Huge Rupee (worth 200 Rupees). Leave and go back in the house. Talk to the father, and he'll give you another one. You can do this as many times as you want, he'll never run out of Huge Rupees!

Drawbridge Money

During the day, in Hyrule field, walk up to thedrawbridge to the castle village and walk up thechain. Wait until night and there will be redrupees, and you can even enter the village atnight this way.

Easy Way To Beat Mirror Link

An easy way to beat Mirror Link is just to useyour Megnaton Hammer. It will great damage toMirror Link and he won't able to mimic yourattack.

Beat Barinade More Easily

First, stun Barinade with your boomerang.destroy all of his jellyfish except one, becauseif you destroy all of them, he will cultivatemore and become faster. stun him again and go tohis center and keep slashing, while using theboomerang on him about every 3-5 seconds, so hedoesn't become unstunned and if worked right, hemakes a good way for link to get some exercisewith no worries.

Deku Club

To get the Deku Club go to Koriki forest and thengo to the Gossip Stone near the entrance to theLost woods. Go to the ledge near the Gossip Stoneand then turn around facing the stone. Take out aDeku Stick and hit against the stone and you willbounce back. If you did this right you will grabon to the ledge. Climb back up and you will beholding half of a Deku Stick. It is morepowerfull then your sword and it will never breakif you hit it on something. NOTE: If you changeitems and take out a Deku Stick again, you haveto do this process again from the start.

Get Fourth Bottle

Kill 10 big poe's and sell them to the guy at the market. (This only works as an adult)

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Find Holes Easier

At most ring of rocks, if you bomb the middle of them or play song of storms a hole should appear (I found about 5 gold skulltulas and secrets this way). You have a 3/5 chance of the hole appearing.

Cheat In The Chest Game

In the chest game, use the lens of truth to cheat in the game.

Graveyard /Dampe

When your racing Dampe the 2nd time, near the end of the race use your new Longshot to grab the torch over the big hole. You'll win the race and get a heart piece!

Illegal Sinking Lure Made Legal

Once you get the sinking lure, go up to the counter and talk to the guy. Chose 'lets talk about somthing' and he will talk about lures and he will make the sinking lure legal.

Wooden Club

Buy a deku stick. (if you already have one thatsfine.) Pull it out and jump off any cliff andbreak the the deku stick on the down. You shouldnow have a stick that is even more powerful thanthe kokiri sword.

Items On Epona

Do the swordless link code. After that, when you have no sword, get on epona and you can use most of your items! Press the ocarina button to get off. NOTE: This does not work on the cart with the award winner thing on it.

Big Red Fairy

Go to a one eyed rock and play THE SONG OF STORMS and you should get a big fairy.

Fast Cash

If you shoot any enemy with a light arrow you will get 50 rupees.

Sinking Lure

First you must go to Lake Hylia and go to thefishing pond. Go fishing for twenty rupees andwalk on the log sticking out of the water. Thesinking lure should be on there but you can't seeit. If you've done this once the location of itwill change. If it did the search the grass inthe pond or by the crack in the wall.Note: this might only work with adult Link.

Swordless Link

You must have beaten the game at least once.After you gave beat it at least once go back andfight gannondorf and beat him. After you aredone doing the running you must fight ganon.Right after he knocks the sword out of your handsave the game and reset it. Go back to your filethat you were on and Link should be in Ganon'scastle and he will be swordless!!!Note: I think it takes the gold cartrigde butI haven't tried it without it.

Extra Rupees

In Koriki Forest, the starting town, go by the shop and jump on the blocks thatlead to it to get 5 rupees. Enter in the shop, come back out, and jump on theblocks again to collect more money. There is a door to the right before enteringthe market. Enter to find some vases and boxes that contain rupees. Aftercollecting the money, exit, then re-enter the room. Search the vases and boxesagain to collect the rupees again. When first entering Hyrule Castle, there is adoor that resembles the background. Enter and smash all the pots to collect aboutfifty rupees. Leave the room and return to collect all the rupees again. Aftercollecting all the chickens in Kakariko village for the first time, keeprepeating that process to collect 50 rubies each time. Shoot the signs in GerudoFortress with a little moon on them with your hookshot for 20 rupees. Go to thefront of the marketplace during the day. Walk up to the chains holding thedrawbridge all the way to the top. Then, turn and jump off. As Link falls, 20rupees may be collected. Walk over the other side and repeat for even more rupees.

Bombs Away

When your young Link go to zedla's courtyard.When you walk in there are 2 windows. One on yourleft and the other on the right. In one it haspictures of Mario characters, the doesn't. Thedosen't have the pictures, take your sling-shotand shot into it. If you did it right shouldappear says something and throws a bomb at you.This doesn't doing anything to help you, but it'spretty funny.

Extra Bottles!

As child Link, go to a puddle in a hole or apool containing a fish, make sure you have atleast one bottle. Get to where you are close tothe fish and use your bottle to catch the fish.Quickly, pause it and switch the bottle out withsomething else near useless, a.k.a, deku nuts andfarhores wind, ect.when you come out of it, youshould have a new bottle with a fish in it!NOTE: You can't get the object you replace thebottle with back and don't use things adult Linkcan't use!

Rocket Power!

This is nothing big, but it's fun to do. Firstyou go and find one of those stones with apicture of an eye that tell you the time if youhit it. Once you do that place a bomb next tothem and wait a while after the bomb explodes,then the stone should blast into the air and blowup.

Hints, Tips, And Tricks

Great Fairy Locations

Fairy Fountain Locations

Songs On Ocarina Of Time

Song Of Time- On your Ocarina, press c right, A, c down c right, A, c down and you played the Song Of Time.
Zelda's Lullabye- c left, c up, c right, c left, c up, c right and you played Zelda's Lullaby.
Saria's Song- c down, c right, c left, c down, c right, c left, band you played Saria's Song.
Song Of Storms- A, c down, c up, A c down, c up and you played the Song Of Storms.
Song Of Sun- c right, c down, c up, c right, c down, c up and you played the Song Of Sun.
Epona's Song- c up, c left, c right, c up, c left, c right and you played Epona's Song.

Never Ending Arrows

Enter 'Hopkin' as a new file. Then, beat the Forest Temple.

The Scarecrow's Song

If your having trouble finding a scarecrows´s song, then here is the one Iusually have: A, C right, C down, A, C right, C down, A, C down.

Infinite Money

Start a new game. Your name must be 'morup' forthis code to work. Once your name is 'morup' finda Gold Rupee and this code will take place.

We have no unlockables for The Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.

We have no easter eggs for The Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.

Infinit Sword Glitch

The infinit sword glitch is really cool. First goto a sign that cannot be broken. Then take outyour sword and hold r. Now press b and a at thesame time and if you did it right, you will bereading the sign and your sword should have areally cool glow. NOTE:if you press a or b whilethis glitch is on you'll have to do the glitchall over again.


When your a kid and about to get the master swordyou might notice that before you get in the bigroom, that the walls are close together and thereis darkness covering the ceiling but when you getin the walls spread further a part and thedarkness goes away.

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