Using Diskpart For Efi Partition

Here is what I do:

  1. restart machine with Windows 8.1
  2. determine 'EFI System' partition with the Disk Management utility
  3. run command prompt as administrator
  4. type diskpart
  5. type select disk 0 then select partition 2 then assign
  6. open windows explorer windows+e
  7. refresh if the drive is not showing F5
  8. try to open drive by double clicking

EFI partition only boots files and contains very sensitive data so this partition will be always hidden either you use Hackintosh, Windows or Linux, but It can be accessed in many ways. But remember while accessing the EFI partition don't touch its other files and folder other than you need.

What I expected to happen:

I can at least look at my EFI partition files.

What happened:

after clicking continue

after clicking 'security tab' link, no security tab

What do I need to do to access my EFI partition on Windows 8.1?

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5 Answers

The reason why you can't access it on Windows Explorer (File Explorer) is because by default it does not run with administrative privileges. If you let's say kill Explorer and execute it again from an elevated command prompt then you will have access to the EFI partition through File Explorer.

First open an elevated command prompt and give the EFI partition a drive letter, you can do it with mountvol as shown in jmiserez's answer (recommended) or with diskpart. In the following example the EFI partition is on disk 0, partition 1 and will be assigned to letter b:

Now kill the File Explorer process and start it with administrative privileges:

Now you can access the EFI partition with File Explorer.

Note that the EFI partition is a FAT32 file system partition. FAT partitions don't have the Security tab, this is a NTFS feature only.

Ricardo BohnerRicardo Bohner
1,0121 gold badge9 silver badges5 bronze badges

The official way of mounting the EFI partition is

where b: is a drive letter of your choosing. You can remove the mapping with:

You still need to launch explorer.exe with administrative privileges in order to see the mountpoint (kill explorer.exe, then launch one from an elevated command prompt)


One way I found is to open it in the administrator command prompt:

type E:then you can browse around and edit the files

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Diskpart Uefi Partition

I tried everything and nothing worked on explorer for me.
I tried killing and running explorer from elevated cmd, and also tried the same with PowerShell and nothing worked.
I could however edit inside cmd and powershell but not GUI/Explorer.

It is very odd but if you Download Explorer++ it works.
Extract it and run as admin

It took me some time to find a workaround so I thought I share it.

1- Mount the EFI partition to a free mount point:-- Run command prompt as administrator-- Type 'mountvol X: /s' (without the quotes, X being an unused mount point)

2- Use Explorer++ (Free, Open Source app) to manipulate the files on the partition:-- Run Explorer++ with administrative privileges

Hope you find this useful


Use Diskpart To Delete Efi Partition

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Doe McBondDoe McBond

Press Start and type gpedit.msc and press EnterThis will open your Group Policy Editor.

Expand Administrative Templates

Expand Windows Components ->File Explorer

Locate Remove Security tab in the right pane and double click to open

Select the Disabled radio button and press OK

Now check for your security tab :)


Now, you can add yourself Read/Write permissions or just take the ownership

Nikola DimitrijevicNikola Dimitrijevic

protected by CommunityOct 8 '16 at 21:08

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On Windows 10, when you have external storage (such as a USB flash drive, removable hard drive, or SD card) that stops working as a result of data corruption or another problem, you can use DiskPart to erase everything and start fresh with a clean partition.

DiskPart is command tool that has been around even before Windows 10, and it allows you to use Command Prompt to manage drives, partitions, and volumes when other tools like Disk Management and Format won't work to fix the problem.

In this Windows 10 guide, we'll walk you through the steps to use the DiskPart command tool to clean and properly format a drive to fix corruptions and other disk problems.

How to clean and format a drive using DiskPart

To use DiskPart to fix a hard drive with problems on Windows 10, use these steps:

Important: Using these instructions will erase everything on the selected drive, and you can't undo the changes. If the drive is still accessible, it's recommended to backup your data before proceeding. If you have multiple drives connected to your computer, it's also recommended to disconnect them to minimize the chances of selecting the wrong partition.

  1. Open Start.
  2. Search for Command Prompt, right-click the top result, and select the Run as administrator option.
  3. Type the following command to launch DiskPart and press Enter:


  4. Type the following command to list all the drives connected to your computer and press Enter:

    list disk

  5. Type the following command to select the drive that you want to clean and press Enter:

    select disk 1

    In the command, make sure to replace 1 for the drive number that you want to delete. If you don't do this step correctly, you could end up wiping out the wrong drive, as such proceed with caution.

  6. Type the following command to wipe out the drive and press Enter:


  7. Type the following command to confirm the drive still selected and press Enter:

    lisk disk

    Quick note: The output should include an asterisk (*) next to the selected drive.

  8. Type the following command to create a new partition on the drive and press Enter:

    create partition primary

  9. Type the following command to select the new primary partition and press Enter:

    select partition 1

  10. Type the following command to make the selected partition active and press Enter:


  11. Type the following command to format the partition using the Microsoft NTFS file system and to set a drive label, and press Enter:

    format FS=NTFS label=Data quick

    In the command, remember to replace Data for the name of the drive that you want to see when using File Explorer. Also, the quick flag is optional, but if you don't use it, the format will take a long time.

  12. Type the following command to assign a letter and make the drive available in File Explorer and press Enter:

    assign letter=w

    Dan tentunya masih banyak bacaan sholawat nabi muhammad SAW kumpulan teks latin lengkap lainnya sebagaimana inti dan tujuan daripada isi sholawat tersebut sesuai dengan anjuran, hikmah juga keberkahan yang mengalir di balik bersholawat atas baginda Rasuululloh S.A.W. Sholawat nabi muhammad saw yang benar. Keutamaan sholawat Nabi sungguh luar biasa. Melalui tulisan ini, kami berusaha menyampaikan beberapa contoh bacaan sholawat Nabi Muhammad SAW yang benar untuk diamalkan sehari-hari. Pengertian Sholawat. Sholawat secara bahasa merupakan bentuk jamak dari sholla yang artinya doa. Secara istilah, sholawat merupakan doa dan pujian untuk Nabi. Shalawat Nabi Muhammad SAW Yang Benar Dan dengan ini, Bacaan Shalawat Nabi Muhammad SAW Yang Benar dari kami mungkin telah selesai, semoga saja dari apa yg baru saja kami sajikan diatas tadi itu dpt memberikan manfaat yg besar untuk anda-anda sekalian. Bacaan shalawat nabi – Artikel yang saya buat ini saya ambil dari dan Silahkan anda nanti cek di akhir artikel ini.Mengucapkan shalawat kepada nabi Muhammad SAW merupakan sunnah yang diajarkan oleh beliau dan merupakan perintah langsung dari Alloh. Sebelumnya saya menulis di blog ini dengan judul Bacaan shalawat nabi Muhammad SAW yang benar sesuai Sunnah. Banyak sekali di luar sana yang membahas tentang shalawat. Namun banyak pula yang membahas shalawat nabi yang tidak benar yaitu shalawat yang tidak sesuai dengan anjura beliau dan para shahaba.

    In the command, replace w with the drive letter that you want to use, and it's not assigned by another drive.

  13. Type the following command to terminate DiskPart and press Enter:


Once you complete the steps, if the drive didn't have any physical issues, it should be available through File Explorer, and you can begin storing files on it.

More Windows 10 resources

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