Dead Space First Person

  1. First Person Space Shooter Games
Dead Space First Person

First Person Space Shooter Games

Dead Space First Person

Dead Space 2 hit it big as one of the first major releases of 2011, the stellar campaign and unique brand of multiplayer captured the attention of the gaming world with an impressive second offering. If you think EA is done with the franchise, you’d be dead wrong. In fact, the publisher is just getting the franchise rolling according to Kotaku, and according to one industry insider, The Dead Space team is working on a Dead Space first person shooter offering.

The first person shooter isn’t the only thing that the Dead Space Team has planned. Apparently, the team is looking into a flight game, as well as an “Uncharted Style” offering for the franchise. Throw in the fact that there is still a Dead Space 3 on the docket for EA, and Dead Space fans will have their fill in the coming years.

Talk about striking while the iron is hot. What do you think about these Dead Space rumors? Too much? Not Enough? Let us know in the comments section below!

Dead Space is a science fiction survival horror video game developed by EA Redwood Shores for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 3, and Xbox 360. The game was released in October 2008. The game puts the player in control of an engineer named Isaac Clarke who fights Necromorphs, monstrous reanimated human corpses, aboard an interstellar mining ship, the USG Ishimura. The game was met with widespread critical acclaim, being cited as one of the greatest video games of all time, and has sold over 2 mill. They are dead on with v-sync, that's the first change to make on PC. You'll get used to the third person over the shoulder view. It's not ideal but it does make for a more cinematic feel to the game, and makes it less jarring during the awesome death sequences. Not so with Dead Space. This game would be excellent in any year, 2015 included. The graphics and setting are still spectacular, the gameplay is solid, the concept still pretty novel (I love the no-oxygen and zero-g environments), and the weapons a lot of fun.