Surface Pro 3 Microphone Jack

  1. Surface Pro 3 Microphone Jack
  2. Surface Pro 3 Microphone Jack For Sale
Posted by6 years ago

In the tablet ranking, Microsoft Surface Pro 6 performs better than Microsoft Surface Pro 3. Find out why! Has a socket for a 3.5 mm audio jack? With a standard mini jack socket, you can use the device with most headphones. Microsoft Surface Pro 3. Microsoft Surface Pro 6.

I am trying to get a Surface Pro to record a live performance using the line in jack. When I plug a 3.5mm cord in, the surface thinks that I am plugging headphones in. Oddly, if I hang the cord halfway plugged in to the surface's headphone jack, the audio recording works like a champ. As soon as the cord gets bumped or the surface gets moved, it breaks it. Am I missing something here? Is there a special type of cord to use for line in situations? All feedback is appreciates.


Having used an iPad and Android for several years with their excellent speech recognition available from the microphone of the on-screen keyboard, I'm stumped that I can't find the same thing on my new Surface Pro 4!

Is it possible to have arbitrary voice input available via the virtual keyboard, as with iOS and Android?

Edit: Cortana is working, and the voice recognition is excellent with it.

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Surface Pro 3 Microphone Jack

2 Answers

Voice typing as a feature of the touch keyboard, at time of writing, does not exist within Windows.

Speech dictation exists, but it's not the same way that the iPad integrates it, and is treated as an accessibility feature rather than a part of the touch keyboard.

Or simply open search/Cortana and type Windows Speech Recognition

Personally I've never found it as good or reliable as the Google or iPad options, and it's actually designed to be able to do a lot more than simply typing.

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Finally!? Discussed at

Other notable features include tweaks to Microsoft Edge, such as tab muting and autofill on web payment forms, and updates to Dictation. Instead of seeking out the voice input app, you'll now be able to capture spoken word in any text field simply by pressing Win+H

I just typed windows H and this text is now being recognized as I speak it.


Surface Pro 3 Microphone Jack For Sale

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