Call Of Duty Hud

  1. Gmod Call Of Duty Hud
  2. Call Of Duty Hades
  3. Call Of Duty Husky
Posted by2 years ago

Call of Duty 4 HUD Style by ThePredator is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License. Game Counter-Strike: Source.

Despite it being one of the most minimalistic COD has ever gotten, I'd really wish there were more options to further customize the HUD experience to cover all bases. Its not that the devs are doing a terrible job with it; they're actually doing pretty great. Unfortunately, one of the few things that the franchise has been laking over the years would be client-side HUD options. With the World War 2 setting in mind, this is a really good opportunity for Sledgehammer to introduce HUD options as a method to increase the immersion by a lil bit whether its Campaign, MP, or even zombies.

HUD options that has little to no impact on gameplay and thus should be highly considered:

  • Hide crosshairs (since ADS is a thing)

  • Hide medals (God bless Raven)

  • Hide reload hint

  • Hide prone block hint

  • Hide vault notification

  • Hide inventory & ammo counter

  • Hide non-killcam playercards

  • Autohide scorestreak bar (only pops up when you have one)


Gmod Call Of Duty Hud

Then there's the HUD options that would greatly impact the game, which I would highly suggest against but should be considered anyways:

  • Autohide radar (ala hardcore mode; only pops up with UAV)

  • Hide gamemode score and timer (could make players not care for objectives)


  • Hide hitmarkers

  • Hide hit/grenade indicators

  • Hide team/enemy names (could create confusion)

The only counter argument I can and have seen with the suggestion is the possibility that some players might have an 'unfair' advantage over another. I call bs because in most cases, it will work more as a handicap than anything else.

Why bother if it is a handicap anyways?

Immersion, and a little bit of minimalistic OCD. Heck if Sledgehammer were to make a long term plan for their next COD having HUD options would cancel out some necessity for a hardcore gamemode which would then put more players into the core gamemodes (hopefully not TDM), extending the lifespan of the game. Good stuff.

Call Of Duty Hades

Call of duty hud overlay png

TLDR; HUD Options = Good.

Disclaimer: this is a suggestion for options regarding the HUD, not the forced implementation of how the HUD should look like.

Call Of Duty Husky