Skyrim More Food Mods

Posted by5 years ago

Top 10 Skyrim Player Home Mods You will never guess that Elder Scrolls: Skyrim is a game that is six years old if you refresh your game with some of the mods on our list. This time we take a look at some player home mods where you can stop all the shouting and smell the roses a bit.

Comprehensive List of the Best Skyrim Mods, with Links, Descriptions, and Videos###

Updated 06/25/2015

Parts of this post were taken from other posts by /u/insane0hflex and /u/Roggvir, and they have been changed and updated by request by me, /u/EbrithilUmaroth. Some mods have been removed, some have been replaced, and a lot have been added. The list is more than twice as long as it was before and I don't expect it to stop there so if you have any mods you think should be added to the list, please let me know.

Don't install conflicting mods. For example, I'm going to list 3 follower overhaul mods, but you can only install one of them. Make sure you research every mod before you install it to avoid conflicts. LOOT is also very good at helping you avoid conflicts, it can recognize a lot of conflicting mods and warn you about it when you use it.

This list will be far too long to fit into one post, so I'll probably need to use about 4 comments. Please upvote the comments so they stay next to the main post and do not comment on the comments that are for the main post below so everything can stay organized. If you need to comment, comment on the main post itself, not one of the comments below.

Note: I will not be covering any mods that are NSFW in this post.

Prerequisite to Modding###

First, you will need Skyrim Script Extender (SKSE). Download SKSE here. You will now need to start Skyrim with skse_launcher.exe in order for SKSE, and mods that require it, to work.

Next, to easily install most of these mods - get the Nexus Mod Manager (NMM). With NMM, you can download mods with a click of a button from the Skyrim Nexus website, then install/uninstall mods with NMM, as well as configure your load order. Not required, but highly recommended.

Then get LOOT - to keep your mods properly 'load-ordered', to improve performance and reduce CTDs due to improper mod load order. Install your mods with NMM, then after that run LOOT to sort the mods. Alternatively, you can use BOSS which is the old version of LOOT. LOOT is a beta version so there's some bugs, BOSS might be more stable but LOOT does a better job sorting.

Next is Wrye Bash. Wrye Bash creates a patch of some of your mods and merges changes from those mods into the patch. This reduces the amount of mods the game has to load and helps avoid conflicts in the game. It can be a little complicated to use though, watch this video to learn about Bashed Patches. This is only recommended for advanced users, as this can cause problems if done incorrectly

A commonly suggested alternative to Nexus Mod Manager is Mod Organizer. It's more stable than NMM, allows you to customize modding profiles for different saves and different characters and doesn't actually install anything to the data folder; Instead it dynamically loads the files every time you start Skyrim.

If you don't like the Skyrim Nexus, most of the mods in this post are also available on the Steam Workshop. (I highly recommend just using the Nexus though, many mods can't be installed correctly through Steam)

Also, if you're new to modding I highly suggest you read this post in it's entirety. It will teach you the things you need to know when working with mods.

Please remember to endorse any mod you download if you enjoy it - its a way of giving thanks to a modder's hard work. I bookmark the pages of the mods I download, that way I remember to endorse the mod after an hour.

These are pretty much essential mods, install them all.

Mod NameMod Description
Unofficial Skyrim PatchA community made patch for fixing bugs/issues with Skyrim and other DLCs. May increase performance and reduce crashes. There are links to the other patches in the description of this patch.
Unofficial Dawnguard PatchInstall if you have Dawnguard.
Unofficial Hearthfire PatchInstall this if you have Hearthfire.
Unofficial Dragonborn PatchInstall this if you have Dragonborn.
Safety LoadEver had one of those infinite loading screens? This fixes that. Heavy modders will need this more. Install after SKSE
OneTweakThis is an extremely highly recommended mod that fixes multiple problems and condenses several mods that used to be on this list into one, extremely useful mod. It features a Double Cursor Fix, Borderless window mode, Dynamic Process Priority and a RaceMenu Precache killer. I cannot recommend this highly enough. Install after SKSE
Better Dialogue ControlsHave you ever pressed the E (activate) key in a dialogue and it selected something else than you expected? Then you may find this mod useful. Think of it as a patch for the controls of the dialogue interface. Install after SKSE
3rd Person Dual Wield Animation FixNo longer jitters when dual wielding.
User Interface Mods###

These are all highly recommended for every Skyrim user.

Skyrim Best Food

Mod NameMod DescriptionMedia
SkyUIA User Interface mod that completely overhauls the UI of Skyrim's inventory menus & more to be/look a TON better. MUST HAVE!N/A
iHUDA mod created by Gopher. Hides the HUD when you don't need it, shows the HUD when you do need it! Simply amazing.N/A
Less Intrusive HUD IIAllows you to customize every aspect of your HUD, offers altername Compass, Health Bar, and Sneak Meter, and is fully customizable. Very highly recommended and fully compatible with iHUD.Video
A Quality World MapAdds the roads, trails, and paths of Skyrim to the World Map.Video
RaceMenuChanges the character customization menu to allow more in-depth character customization. Another highly recommended mod.Video
EZ2C DialogueA mod that fixes and adds a lot more features and functionality to the dialogue menu.Video

These are HUGE mods that alter Skyrim as a whole or a large part of the Skyrim game. They serve different purposes, but none of them can be used together and they have conflicts with many other mods because of how large they are so installing one really requires you to learn about the mod.

Mod NameMod DescriptionMedia
Skyrim RedoneThis is a MASSIVE overhaul for Skyrim that alters nearly every aspect of the game. Read the mods description for a better idea what the mod does. One thing to keep in mind is that this mod is completely modular, you only need to install the parts of the mod that you actually want.Video
RequiemThis is another huge gameplay overhaul designed to give the game a more realistic roleplaying feeling. Read the mods description for a better idea what it does.Video
Skyrim UnleashedThis mod is designed to alter the difficulty curve of Skyrim as you level up.N/A
ACE - Combat SkillsA very large overhaul of Skyrims combat system and related elements. Like SkyRe it is modular so you can choose which parts of the mod you want.Semi-related Video
SPERG - Skyrim Perk Enhancements and Rebalanced GameplayIn vanilla Skyrim, some skills are much harder to level than others, and some perk trees are near completely worthless. SPERG fixes both of those things by adjusting skill leveling rates, adding a number of different sources of skill gain for some of the harder skills to level, and completely overhauling the perk trees.N/A
Memory Patches###

Skyrim's engine has a very serious problem with crashing when you have too many mods installed. These patches help with that. Read the mods individual pages for technical information on how and why.

Mod NameMod DescriptionMedia
CTD and Memory Patch ENBoostThis is an ENB patch that does wonders for how Skyrim manages memory and it virtually eliminated my CTDs.N/A
Skyrim Startup Memory EditorThis implements Sheson's memory allocation patch to allocate more memory to Skyrim when it starts up to help eliminate crashes.N/A

A list of mods for book collectors.

BOOK FIXES,, and have numerous fixes for books. For example, the Unofficial Dragonborn Patch adds missing object bound sizes for several books added by the DLC.

BOOK SHELF SCRIPTS - Uses a script which 'places books based on their width rather than fixed positions.' The result is that you can place more books on a shelf and they will also generally end up better placed than without it. As a bonus you can also place any other item on the shelf, not just books. Some have reported issues with the mod and it needs cleaning with TES5Edit, but it has always worked perfectly fine for me. - Same function as Unlimited Bookshelves, but it uses and thus requires SKSE. It 'allows you to place up to 48 books in one shelf (based on books size).' Seems to work fine for most users, but I have issues with: it takes a long time for books to be placed and removed and they also often end up jumbled up in a mess. Might be because I'm using several script heavy mods perhaps.

BOOK COVERS - A 'high quality retexture of all the readable books, journals, and notes in vanilla Skyrim and all three DLC. It gives each book and journal its own unique cover and adds many additional paper styles to the notes.' See also, where you'll find patches for SkyRe, Requiem and other mods. - Which 'brings high quality covers in the style of Book Covers Skyrim to a very broad range of over two hundred books from previous Elder Scrolls games and their expansions. It is a logical extension to Book Covers Skyrim and is fully compatible with that mod.'

ADDED BOOKS - Which 'brings high quality covers in the style of Book Covers Skyrim to a very broad range of over two hundred books from previous Elder Scrolls games and their expansions. It is a logical extension to Book Covers Skyrim and is fully compatible with that mod.' - Which 'contains almost 200 books from previous Elder Scrolls games including Daggerfall, Morrowind (including all 36 of Vivec's sermons), and Oblivion! Also included are some never-published works written by Elder Scrolls developers. It also increases the number of book vendors and is compatible with the Unlimited Bookshelves mod!' - 'Tamriel Compendium adds 177 books that were present in past Elder Scrolls games but not included in Skyrim.' - 'This mod adds many buyable and findable books into Skyrim. They are lore friendly and fun. Some are imported and edited from previous TES games (Daggerfall, Morrowind, Oblivion), but most are not. Now you can read much more interesting journals, notes, stories, legends and even some lore friendly jokes!' - '
Little is known of the scholar Voryn Dreleth, yet his volumes survive still, scattered across the land. These rare volumes can be found in likely places, if you know where to look....' - 'This mod adds the book 'ABCs for Barbarians' (previously found in Morrowind) to Skyrim, with updated scribbles to reflect the new items of Skyrim.' -
Adds the book 'Goodnight Mundus' to the game, a 'lullaby released by Zenimax Online to promote 'Elder Scrolls Online' - and this book adds the text from the lullaby to the game, to be found on sale randomly by booksellers.'

BOOK SORTING - 'Organized Books is a lightweight mod I made when frustrated with the inconsistencies and improper sorting of the ingame books. ... For example, the book title The Wolf Queen, v4 has been changed to Wolf Queen, Vol. 4 of 8. Chapters of a book are also labeled as such; for example, A Dance in Fire, v1 is now Dance in Fire, Ch. 1 of 7.' - 'Another Sorting Mod renames most items so they sort properly and thus provides a less tedious experience when managing your inventory. ... More consistent naming for Books, Notes, Letters, Orders, Recipes and such (some Notes are Letters now and vice versa)' - 'This mod renames and better sorts thousands of items in all categories (from books and soul gems to weapons and armors) in order to provide a cleaner, more organized, intuitive and useful listing of items in the game UI.'

BOOKSTORES AND LIBRARIES - A huge mod that among other features adds a 'Bookset display case which sorts set books by their set, includes amazing retexture from 'Book covers Skyrim'. - Adds a library that you can buy for the player home in Markarth. Has 32 bookshelves with auto-sorting for all vanilla books. Doesn't seem to work with Book Covers, though, as all books ended up in a mess when I tried it out. - Adds a bookstore to Solitude. - Adds a library northeast of Solitude with vanilla books as well as books from Daggerfall, Morrowind and Oblivion.

PLAYER HOMES WITH GOOD LIBRARIES - 'This is a mod that allows you to take Breezehome from it's humble beginnings as a little crap shack to a home worthy of a dragonslayer.' One of the upgrades adds several bookshelves. - Adds a 'library which can be accessed if you have built the little 'house/entrance' of your hearthfire home so that you can have your armory (or kitchen) in the east wing without sacrificing all those pretty bookshelves for your wonderful book collection'. Obviously requires Hearthfire. - Converts the 'main upstairs bedroom (rendered useless by the bedroom wing) into a library. Besides the bookcases, the two wall shelves and the sideboard can also except books.' Requires Hearthfire. - Adds a library with '25 bookcases allowing 1350 books to be stored' to the player home in Solstheim. Requires Dragonborn. - Adds displays for the Black Books to the player home in Solstheim. Requires Dragonborn. - Adds a 'small mage themed house above Winterhold, an Apothecary next to the Jarl's house, and smithing facilities next to the Frozen Hearth Inn.' Has lots of bookshelves. - Adds a player home close to Whiterun, with a 'study/library with desk and 12 bookshelves'. - A 'medium sized, adoption friendly player home located just outside Whiterun across from Honningbrew Meadery'. Has lots of displays and '12.5 Bookshelves (550 Books)'. - Adds a 'customizable & interactive home designed in one cell' in Riverwood with a small but cozy library. - Adds a library to the to the Dragonsmount Player home mod. Requires

Skyrim More Food Mods

MISCELLANEOUS - 'Changes the way skill books work, so that you may choose if and when you gain a skill from it. Upon activating a book, a menu will appear allowing you to select if you read the book and gain its knowledge at that time, or simply take it without reading.' - 'This mod appends the skill improved to the name of every skill book, and loots skill books to your inventory without reading so you can save them for later.' - 'Reading books now increase speech skill. Almost every book in the game is able to increase Speech skill progression towards next level twice.'

Skyrim More Food Mods - 'This mod is a spiritual successor to dryblood’s mod; Read and Learn Speechcraft Speech. ... For every new book you read you will gain a flat amount of experience towards levelling up your Speech skill.' Patches for Book Covers and Book Covers - Lost Library are in the works. - 'This mod makes it possible for everyone to add Audio Books (.xwm audio files) that will play when a player opens or activates a supported book, letter, scroll or note containing readable text.' - '
Books which you have not read yet will have a visible glow. When you read a book for the first time, its glow will disappear.' - Adds HUD information, including an icon for books already read. Requires SkyUI and SKSE. - 'This is a mod which will give you access to a new MCM. Choose a category and see a list of all the known books in that category, as well as whether or not you've read it.' Requires SkyUI and SKSE. - Adds a 'book called 'Inventory at [Location]' and when you open it (then close it) it will display the contents of a container filled with (copies of) the items you placed around the house.' - 'Following the writings of a lonely scholar the dragonborn must dive into a library of books and pits his/her wits against forgotten legends and lore to assemble the clues that will lead to great wealth, relics, and knowledge.' - Adds professions, including Scholar, which gives bonuses for reading books, learning spells and learning from a trainer. - Adds a small portion of Speech experience every time the player character reads a new book. Has patches for Book Covers Skyrim and Book Covers Skyrim - Lost Library. - Adds a quest and a house that can be used as a library.

Skyrim More Food Mods List

NOTES: The list was inspired by I'll gladly add more mods to the list if you have any tips. The Misc. section is a bit messy so I might split it up with more categories. Thanks to Brakes Brakes Brakes, Moist_Typewriter, jackstarr, Siham, entreri3478, Glanzer, LukeH, myrrdin35, Dowaco and Merey for tips in the original thread.